Thursday, February 28, 2008

Butterflies in the stomach...

Have you ever heard a friend or may be a colleague saying... "I have butterflies in my stomach..."

and you wonder.. what the hell is s/he talking about.... ????? how can somebody have butterflies in their stomach.... hummm....

welcome to the world of IDIOMS....

Ask me even I am feeling the same today.. & what makes me say this.. some of you might find it funny & some of you might agree with the feeling.. I gave an interview today over the phone... all went well... but then another round was finalised on the call itself... and the HR on the other end said "if you don't have any prior engagements tomorrow, why don't you come for the next round tomorrow..", well I was way to surprised 'cause everything was happening so fast that I could not think of a reason to say "NOT TOMORROW" and agreed on the date and time fixed... but now the situation I am going through is the same as one feeling nervous.. or anxiety..

Now this is the perfect situation when I can say "I have butterflies in my stomach"..

Why would a person feel nervous..???? lets see...
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Lack of Preparation
  • Poor Communication Skills
  • Poor Self Image
  • Lack of Focus and Planning

Now the question arises does any of these apply to me... hummm... here comes the answer... "NO"

In case any of these situations sound familiar? What can you do to put yourself in a better frame of mind? lets see....

  • Have Belief in Your Future Success
  • Know Your Business Plan Inside Out
  • Put Yourself in the Manager's Shoes

Now when we are talking about "Butterflies in the Stomach" lets learn a little more about it...

{"Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" or "tickling" (hence butterflies) feeling in the stomach. Some believe that this is caused by the release of epinephrine, or adrenaline, when one is nervous, pulling blood away from the stomach and sending it to the muscles. This in turn causes the stomach to temporarily shut down, possibly the reason for loss of appetite when one is "love sick". Butterflies in the stomach is most often experienced prior to important events, when stress is induced, but can be experienced in situations of impending danger." Courtsey - Wikipedia}

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